Thursday, December 29, 2011

I lied.

That last post will not be the last one of 2011, but this one may be.

Perhaps I shouldn't set expectations as high as these, but oh, how ideal this would be...
I don't want a boyfriend necessarily. It would be hard to have a boyfriend this late in high school because then you begin making life decisions based on him, like college etc. and I don't really want anything serious this early. Sure, I'd make exceptions, I guess, but that's just not ideal for me. I just want someone to talk to without getting the same conventional feeling I get when talking to anyone else. That's the greatest pleasure out there; talking to someone who you really want to be talking to. Those are the types of people I stay up late for, texting nasty things and silly things and just the strangest things. Fun.
I just want to pack up my things and travel the world right now. Is that bad? I want someone to travel with though.
I'm about to jump into Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis right now, and I have a feeling I'll like it. I read the introduction of this book to read a little about Kafka and he seems like a fascinating writer. For some reason, as I typed "writer", I said it in my head with a Liverpool accent.

I also got a hair cut today
I am ambivalent about it because it's so so so short for me, and I hate short hair on me, but it feels so nice and smells so nice and the ends feel so healthy, so I guess that's good. It's comforting to know that it'll grow back.
I just love having long hair so that I can cover my boobs with it when I'm in the bath tub and pretend I'm a mermaid. My nautical bathtime adventures are now put on hold... /sigh

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