Sunday, December 18, 2011

Several very low quality photos from my first trip to the Mediterranean

I believe these are from maybe.... 2007 or 2008. I have many many more pictures from this trip of higher qualities, they just aren't on my computer at the moment. So here are just a few.


Michaelaneglo's David


Outdoor market in Barcelona... fresh juices.


Mt. Vesuvius, bam.

Crater at Mt. Etna

Nice, France 

Sicilian pizza!! Possibly the best pizza I have ever ever ever tasted



hahaha inside the Vatican... shhh this picture was very difficult to take

Oh, and apparently I went to Messina, Italy during this trip.... but I just don't remember. Other than that, I clearly remember Barcelona, Nice, Monaco, Monte Carlo, Sicily, Pompei, Florence, and Pisa.

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