Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Highlights of Last Summer

I miss the summer so much. Summer's a funny thing--you never really appreciate it until it's over. During the summer, I always feel as though I'm bored, or it's too hot, or I'm not doing enough, but really when I look back... it's always amazing. It may have to do with something we just learned in psychology the other day called "rosy retrospection" meaning that when we look back at memories, we tend to remember them more pleasantly. I'm okay with that. I love the nostalgic feeling I get about summer. I loved the feeling of having damp hair almost all the time. The feeling of the icy cool pool against my skin on a hot day. The view of the lake from my neighborhood. The long walks I took. The late night adventures. Staying up until 2 am all alone in my room, watching movies back-to-back. Last summer had a lot of firsts. It was the first time I tried pot. It was my first.... "summer romance" you could call it, or at least the closest thing I'd ever had to a romance. Went to Greece for the first time. Pulled my official complete all-nighter, watched the sun rise. Died my hair for the first time (technically tips). Went to the beach with a friend for the first time. Got my first henna tattoo. Bought my first toe ring. Felt really appreciated. All those little, nice things.

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