Monday, December 12, 2011


I recently have fallen in love with a new style. I was always a sucker for Abercrombie & Fitch... ever since 6th grade. I had a huge collection. I got over it when I started high school, it was in the past. But I can't lie, I love the style. I love preppy. This happened to me right after I visited Georgetown... I guess it got me motivated to start dressing preppy/school-girly. While I was in Georgetown, I went to the Urban Outftters there and bought this really collegiate navy blue sweater, which I like wearing with collared shirts underneath. I wore it to school, and it definitely caught attention. "Wow, Anna, you look so collegiate!" "..So preppy!" "So... erudite!" I loved it. Just the other day I even bought a very school-girly plaid skirt... I love it. And then last week I bought penny loafers. I'm going through a full-on transformation here! I sometimes wish I was a school girl. By that, I mean I sort of wish I went to private school with the cute uniforms. My mom says I should have been born in Russia.
Here's a few photos of what I mean by preppy:

recent purchase, $18 :-) from Urban Outfitters with
my friends 40% off sale (employee appreciation is bliss)

...and socks with sandals is not at ALL tacky!

my sweater... not the greatest photo

plaid skirt... a perfect pair with a sweater!

The gold on the collar.... icing on the cake.

NOW.... I feel as though I must go study for the SATs... there's no use in looking erudite if I'm not going to be erudite.

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