Monday, December 12, 2011

First Post ~ Wanderlust

I should not have made a blogspot. I was curious, but now I just know I'll become obsessed with this just like any other project I've done over the internet. You know, it wasn't. It wasn't cohesive enough for me, so maybe I need this. This is my center for inspiration, so for my first post, I'm going to post places I've found beautiful and inspirational. The world is my stage, but sometimes I prefer to be an observer. Whenever I get the chance to partake, I seize it. Freedom is being wherever you wanna be, so here is where I would feel free. ( none of these photos are mine, and these are specifically places I have no been to )


Evidently, I love water. Well, I am a scorpio... which is water sign.
Since I have so much wanderlust, this will probably not be the only post like this. I will probably have numerous posts about places... places places places, hmm. You know how a word sounds weird after you say it for a while? "Places" sounds so peculiar right now, it reminds me of the Spanish, "placer", which means "to please".

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