Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Earth without art is just "eh"

 I've been thinking about making this post all day. I love art-- making it, looking at it, buying it, putting it on my walls, etc. So here are a few pieces that have lately caught my eye and inspired me:

I love oil paintings, but above all, I love being able to see every stroke of the brush. That just isn't something you can
do with acrylics.

The simple colors and texture of this are so sensual and enthralling. I love it also because  there is no distinct outline,
it's like a color sillhouette with a few pencil outlines here and there.
I love this because I love skeletons and bones and it definitely depicts the message of beauty
 in  the human body, perhaps even after death.
This is definitely from the same collection as above. It's wonderful.
These are just some amateur art pieces I found over tumblr and such (maybe they aren't amateur, not sure). I need a separate post for all my favorite artists... but these these things inspire me because they're recent. They're the now. This is what people feel now, this is what they make now. And I appreciate that.

So here are some of my latest "works"

This was probably the first skull I ever really attempted to draw. If you study it closely you will find that it  is a clock, but not the conventional kind. On one side it has day ("diem") and night ("noctum"). There is only one clock hand, and it points straight up in between day and night to convey the true purpose of this; time flies ("tempus fugit"). I like using various languages in my art, and I particularly like Latin (hence my url). Collectively, this is somehow supposed to convey one's acceptance and peace with the mysterious nature of time, and how really, it is fully in your control. Time is how  you pass it. 
I am obsessed with evil eyes and hamsas. I find the meaning behind them so interesting, and sometimes I feel as though it's nice to feel some sense of protection, whether it be spiritual or not.

Here we go with my Latin obsession again. There is something about Latin that makes me associate it with nature and art I suppose. This is supposed to convey life after death ("vita post mortem"), as there are flowers blooming from the skull (icon of death) and beauty and color all around. I think of death as another adventure. I suppose that's a completely separate story about my spiritual/religious beliefs, but I'd rather keep this post moderately secular for right now.

Nerves. I thought it was clever.

For once, this has no symbolism behind it. I like undulated shapes, so I drew a couple. I kept drawing and drawing and drawing and then I used acrylics to paint it. Sometimes, a painting is just a painting (this is somewhat of an allusion to Sigmund Freud--"sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar."

The eye is the opening to a soul. This will be one of those drawings that I leave up to the viewer to interpret.
So these are just a few, I'm constantly working on new and often more pointless things.

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