Sunday, January 1, 2012


I had a really nice New Years Eve with Michelle, Dani and (unexpectedly) Ryan. Ryan broke a chair at the dinner table and it was pretty funny.

the night before, I went to Fells Pt. and had a fantastic last Mediterranean meal of 2011 and it was just so beautiful out.

presents!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  • Dani got me Abbey Road and a super special card/collage :-)))
  • Michelle got me a Claddagh ring!!! ahh can you even believe that?
  • Ryan promised me a bowl but never pulled through but thats ok because I never bought him incense.
  • My friends are special <3

right as we waited for the ball to drop, red champagne in hand! my friends are pussies and didn't finish their drinks, so, naturally, i finished it for them. didn't even get buzzed in the slightest...

And yet, somehow, I find myself still longing after all the wrong people. I sometimes don't know what to do with myself.

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