Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Things I really want to do this winter

  • wear warm sweaters
  • successfully exchange meaningful gifts with my friends
  • begin my junior year photo album/scrapbook
  • not be completely bored over New Years... last year was so... тосклива 
  • tie up loose ends. or should i really say... broken ends. at least attempt to. pray. make things better.
  • not be depressed like last winter
  • wear my snuggie
  • practice piano
  • hang out with friends i haven't hung out with for a while 
  • purchase a bowl
  • Model UN paper and Model UN money deposit ASAP
  • purchase Foster the People concert tickets...
  • make a gingerbread house
  • make cookies for my friends
  • finish my Sigmund Freud book
  • study study study study for the SATs
  • get better at physics
  • read Kafka's Metamorphosis 
  • play in the snow
  • purchase a Math SSAT book and AP Spanish book
  • apply for the Johns Hopkins summer internship (Mid Jan)
  • make more lists to be less stressed
  • get through

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