Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things I wonder about

Are our lives innate? Is our now the only now? Is my now the same as yours? If there are parallel universes, are they ever delayed behind us?  Do we follow some sort of path? Does fate exist? Is there somewhere else? Is there an elsewhere? Are we all where we belong? 
Are we somehow connected to the world by a constant cycle of energy that flows between us, the world, and other living beings? What is external and what is internal? What is a part of us? What don't we know about ourselves? How aware are we of ourselves? How do we truly learn about our unconscious? Where is the mind?

Is everything so simple? Is this all there is? What on Earth is connected. Is there a constant flow of energy? Do people pick up on aura's? Can we just break the Earth up so simply in separate sectors and call it a day; nothing is connected and nothing has purpose. Are we here by accident?

Is time a media or an energy? What does it mean to exist? Does Einstein's theory of relativity mean that we can travel through time? Can we really travel faster than the speed of light? Before I took physics, I desperately believed that time had no significance--I thought it was just numbers, just another product of humanity, just a media of measurement like inches and centimeters and pounds and grams. But suddenly, I'm not so sure. Especially while reading into Einstein's theory of relativity. If we took a pair of twins, and put one on a spacecraft for him to live far in the universe away from earth, and then have him return years later, will he have aged faster than the twin who remained on Earth? Does time fleet faster in different areas of the universe? Is there hard time and soft time? Can we control time in our dreams? How subjective is time? Does anything even exist or is everything just an illusion that we've created? Is it supposed to be this complicated? Perhaps we aren't meant to know.
"No past, no future". If we go back in time, will there be a butterfly effect? Is there any way of knowing if someone has ever gone back in time and affected our lives? What about the "Grandfather Complex"? If we go back in time to kill our Grandfather, what happens to us? Will we never be born? Will something in nature prevent us from killing him? The bullet will miss, the knife will curl? Or if we succeed in killing him could that just stay in another, parallel universe and have no affect on our lives?

What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.

I don't know if I'll ever have a single one of these questions ever answered, and curiosity will kill me. Suddenly everything we know about life is vague. As kids, we thought as we grew up we'd become more knowledgable, but really, ignorance was bliss. Now we just know that we don't know anything.
"All I know is that I know nothing" 
- Socrates

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