Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nail Art

For funsies, have a picture of my nails at the moment:
And my attempts to draw eyes....

I love nail art that has taste! (not any of that glittery, neon, weird crap... no offense.)

And for an update..... I don't blog unfortunately much because of school, but soon my exams will be over and I will be stress-freeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm thinking that this summer I will start doing stuff like posting outfits-of-the-day just be-fucking-cause. Don't care if no one reads them. Squeeeeeee.

Speaking of summer, I know this sounds a bit wrong, but I'm really upset about the fact that I probably won't be traveling anywhere this summer (meaning, not Europe). This sounds wrong because I should really be grateful about all the places I have already traveled to before and I shouldn't be upset that I won't get to this one summer. And at least I will be at Georgetown for 8 days, and at least I'll be seeing someone :-) I should just focus on all the goooood stuff that is to come.

Meanwhile, have a little collage of some of my favorite pictures:
a collage of some of my favorite pictures

I just think everything on this collage screams good vibes and...just... beauty. I enjoy things that are aesthetically pleasing! I also enjoy things that are aurally pleasing, so have my favorite "good vibes" playlist:

All these things make me think of kissing you... is this normal?

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