Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm craving inspiration

Just a few images that elicit good feelings. Sentimental-type feelings.

I need a break from everything....
I miss tumblr so much, I cannot wait until I'm finished with the SATs. I'm visiting my favorite blogs, and it just hurts not to be able to reblog anything. This is so unhealthy!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

This photo

 is simply extraordinary. i wish i was capable of taking such fantastic photos. in other news, i really would like to go back to santorini more than anything right now...

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I had a really nice New Years Eve with Michelle, Dani and (unexpectedly) Ryan. Ryan broke a chair at the dinner table and it was pretty funny.

the night before, I went to Fells Pt. and had a fantastic last Mediterranean meal of 2011 and it was just so beautiful out.

presents!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  • Dani got me Abbey Road and a super special card/collage :-)))
  • Michelle got me a Claddagh ring!!! ahh can you even believe that?
  • Ryan promised me a bowl but never pulled through but thats ok because I never bought him incense.
  • My friends are special <3

right as we waited for the ball to drop, red champagne in hand! my friends are pussies and didn't finish their drinks, so, naturally, i finished it for them. didn't even get buzzed in the slightest...

And yet, somehow, I find myself still longing after all the wrong people. I sometimes don't know what to do with myself.