Friday, March 30, 2012


I don't think I have ever truly bolstered how much I really really love reading poetry, and sometimes (attempting) writing it!
I think that my favorite literary/writing technique that poets do is use parentheses
(they just make everything seem so much more poetic).
Now, this technique is used by both of my two favorite poets, which is no surprise, since they are my favorites!
Here, for instance, is my favorite E.E. Cummings Poem:

And also, here is one of my very very very very favorite poems of all time, by no other than the legendary (yet tragic figure) Sylvia Plath, entitled "Mad Girl's Love Song":

Parentheses add an interesting effect, do they not? I noticed I've been using them a lot more often in my school essays. I wish I was deep enough the analyze their function.
I wish I was a poet. I’m gonna become one.
I write some poems here and there (yes I used parentheses), but they don't usually rhyme. Here's a poetic-type verse I once wrote, it's vague enough:

One day I'll scan some more pages from this same notebook. It's where I write my most interesting life stories /day-to-day thoughts in the most ambiguous ways possible--usually accompanied by an illustration, but not in this one.

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