Thursday, December 29, 2011

I lied.

That last post will not be the last one of 2011, but this one may be.

Perhaps I shouldn't set expectations as high as these, but oh, how ideal this would be...
I don't want a boyfriend necessarily. It would be hard to have a boyfriend this late in high school because then you begin making life decisions based on him, like college etc. and I don't really want anything serious this early. Sure, I'd make exceptions, I guess, but that's just not ideal for me. I just want someone to talk to without getting the same conventional feeling I get when talking to anyone else. That's the greatest pleasure out there; talking to someone who you really want to be talking to. Those are the types of people I stay up late for, texting nasty things and silly things and just the strangest things. Fun.
I just want to pack up my things and travel the world right now. Is that bad? I want someone to travel with though.
I'm about to jump into Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis right now, and I have a feeling I'll like it. I read the introduction of this book to read a little about Kafka and he seems like a fascinating writer. For some reason, as I typed "writer", I said it in my head with a Liverpool accent.

I also got a hair cut today
I am ambivalent about it because it's so so so short for me, and I hate short hair on me, but it feels so nice and smells so nice and the ends feel so healthy, so I guess that's good. It's comforting to know that it'll grow back.
I just love having long hair so that I can cover my boobs with it when I'm in the bath tub and pretend I'm a mermaid. My nautical bathtime adventures are now put on hold... /sigh

It's allllmost time!

I love Soviet postcards.
Wishing a Happy New Year in advance!! Probably won't blog until the New Year. Crazy, right? 2011 flew by me.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I hate wearing bras unless they're the structure-less ones. I take advantage of every opportunity to not wear a bra.
This has been a lovely blog post, hasn't it?
I don't know what to blog about, though, so here's a cute drawing of a kitty cat and a puppy holding hands that I found on tumblr

I think it adds a nice touch to my blog, though I think I need more personalized stuff. I'll work on it.

My 2011

This is what my 2011 consisted of.

Concert I attended:
  • three All Time Low shows (wow, right?), May, June, September
  • Kid Cudi, July
  • Fleet Foxes, September
Places I visited
  • New York, NY 
  • Bethany Beach, DE
  • Atlantic City, NJ
  • Venice, Italy
  • Bari, Italy
  • Olympia, Greece
  • Santorini, Greece
  • Mykonos, Greece
  • Athens, Greece
  • Corfu, Greece
  • Croatia, Dubrovnik
  • Georgetown, DC
Things I did for the first time
  • Smoked pot
  • Snuck out
  • Went on a late-night adventure
  • Pulled a complete all-nighter
  • Went to the beach with a friend
  • Kissed (this is the part where I blush)
  • Went to the Renaissance festival
  • Planked
  • Won MVP for badminton:-)
  • Died the tips of my hair
  • Got henna
Songs I listened to religiously (just a taste)
  • Mykonos - Fleet Foxes
  • Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
  • See the Sun - The Kooks
  • Talamak, Blessa - Toro y Moi
  • The Past and Pending - The Shins
  • Miss You - Foster the People
  • The Cascades - Fleet Foxes
  • Somebody that I used to know - Gotye
  • Between the Bars - Elliot Smith
  • Return the Favor - All Time Low
  • Luca - Brand New
  • New Theory - Washed Out
  • Jigsaw Falling into Place, Creep, Nude, Videotape - Radiohead
  • Trapped in my Mind - Kid Cudi
  • Tangerine - Led Zeppelin
  • Mall & Misery - Broken Bells
  • Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Movies I watched for the first time and loved
  • Fight Club
  • Pulp Fiction
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Candy
  • Blue Valentine
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (end.of.childhood)
  • Breaking Dawn (ha-ha)
  • Midnight in Paris
  • Blow
  • Sherlock Holmes (very recent)
  • Virgin Suicides
  • The Dreamers
  • Le Dernier Jour (at least the teeny part I saw of it)
Books I read and loved
  • Fight Club
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • The Bell Jar (very sad, however)
  • Franny and Zooey
  • The Great Gatsby
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Lolita (I may have read it in 2010 actually but I don't particularly remember)
  • Mass Psychology (...almost finished haha)
Cool things I acquired (gifts/bought for myself)
  • A record player
  • Many records
  • Eye rings from the flea market
  • Salvador Dali watch
  • A hoodie with pi on it
  • Penny loafers
  • serpent arm cuff
  • the perfect pair of dark brown riding boots
  • a film camera
  • an easel and oil paints
  • new bike!!
  • a denim vest
  • several evil eyes from Greece
  • Aviators
  • useless, but aaawesome bras
  • Cateye sunglasses
  • cool European flowy pants
  • ring with the Greek key
  • several warm, scholarly-looking sweaters
  • floral maxi-skirt
  • carpet bag
Miscellaneous things I straight-up loved
  • Oil painting
  • Skulls
  • Patterns
  • Black and white
  • Salvador Dali 
  • Evil eyes
  • Gustav Klimt
  • Avocados and home-made guacamole
  • Candles
  • Hand rolls (sushi)
  • Incense
  • Francisco Lachowski
  • Marijuana
  • Limes and lemons
  • Calculus
  • Psychology
Other events I shouldn't and probably won't forget
  • Meeting Jesse Eisenberg and Justin Bartha after seeing Jesses show, "Asuncion" in NYC
  • The good things that happened preceding the bad
  • Febuary 14th, 2011
  • April 1st, 2011
  • Listening to "Mykonos" as our cruise ship approached Mykonos.
  • Having the first two days of school cancelled because of the "hurricane", how great was that?
And here's a tiny ""collage"" of photos as a representation, some mine, some not:

All Time Low 

harry potter.... the end

fleet foxes!

we had "pi" day at school 3.14.11 which is pretty unforgettable.


last day of Sophomore year.

Kid Cudi y'all

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

Copying and pasting from my post on tumblr:

"Beginning in 1949, the area around Glass Beach became a public dump. It is hard to imagine this happening today, but back then people dumped all kinds of refuse straight into the ocean, including old cars, and their household garbage, which of course included lots of glass.
By the early sixties, some attempts were made to control what was dumped, and dumping of any toxic items was banned. Finally in 1967, the North Coast Water Quality Board realized what a mistake it was and plans were begun for a new dump away from the ocean…
Now, over 30 years later, Mother Nature has reclaimed this beach. Years of pounding wave action have deposited tons of polished glass onto the beach. You’ll still see the occasional reminder of it earlier life, such as a rusted spark plug, but for the most part what you’ll see is millions of pieces of glass sparkling in the sun. (As part of MacKerricher State Park, collecting is no longer allowed).
The earth will be okay once it shakes us off for good. Only then can it heal."

I just find this amazing. Every day I grow more in awe of natures abilities. Wow. In-credible.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Over Winter break I will

  • finish Mass Psychology by Sigmund Freud
  • at least start Kafka's Metamorphosis
  • do allll of my school work. the very first day, so I can just forget it.
  • study for the SATs
  • figure out something fun for New Years
  • buy my parents New Years gifts... maybe a nice shirt for my dad, and jewelry of some sort for my mom?
  • make cards for my friends
  • make a gingerbread house
  • put up my tree :-)
  • listen to records
  • practice piano
  • blog
  • distract myself from being sad
  • maybe try to fix things again. and probably fail...
  • entonces, not get my hopes up
  • while I just inserted some Spanish in there, I should also remind myself to by an AP spanish study books, an SAT 2 Math 2 book, and maybe an SAT 2 Literature book 

So I found out more about this ring...

It's called a claddagh ring. It represents love and friendship. Here's the full description I found:

"The Claddagh's distinctive design features two hands clasping a heart, and usually surmounted by a crown. The elements of this symbol are often said to correspond to the qualities of love (the heart), friendship (the hands), and loyalty (the crown).
The way that a Claddagh ring is worn on the hand is usually intended to convey the wearer's romantic availability, or lack thereof.
Traditionally, if the ring is on the right hand with the heart facing outward and away from the body, this indicates that the person wearing the ring is not in any serious relationship, and may in fact be single and looking for a relationship: "their heart is open."
When worn on the right hand but with the heart facing inward toward the body, this indicates the person wearing the ring is in a relationship, or that "someone has captured their heart".
A Claddagh worn on the left hand ring finger facing outward away from the body generally indicates that the wearer is engaged.
When the ring is on the left hand ring finger and facing inward toward the body, it generally means that the person wearing the ring is married."

These are honestly the most perfect rings I have ever seen. I want one. Preferably in silver. I typically like gold, but for something like this, I'd want it in silver. Perhaps I'll make my mom buy it for me....

I found out about it in the funniest way possible. First I saw it on tumblr and fell in love with it just because it looks so cool and royal, etc. Then, just the next day in school I was zoning-out in English and I saw this interesting gold ring on my English teacher's hand and it appeared to be two hands... holding a heart... with a crown on top. I freaked out.